Singer Etiquette

Karaoke is a group function, involving a singer and an audience. When you aren’t singing, you’re part of the audience. The golden rule applies – treat other singers the way you want to be treated. Perera’s is a great place for this. I’ve not run across anyone there who actively disses another singer. I haven’t noticed too many sour faces at sour notes.

We’re a friendly place. 😀

One thing I want to stress is – karaoke is not a professional singer’s venue. You don’t have to sing well to be well liked. You merely have to sing and be appreciative of other singers. Applaud. Hoot. Hollar. Dance.

If you want compliments, then give them out. Don’t apologize for singing badly. No one there is a famous singer. All of us, even the best singers, are not professional. We’re only having some fun.

Encourage the shy ones. If you’re the shy one, then clap maniacally for those you like, and compliment them – or at least give them a thumb’s up sign.

Yup, Perera’s is a drinking establishment. We’ll get those who’ve had one too many trying to sing something meaningful to them and destroying the song. Clap anyway. Enjoy the performance. It isn’t all about the singing. Some people can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but they can put on a great show.

It IS all about the fun. So come down to Perera’s and contribute to the fun!

Peace, Love, and Karaoke – Shadow

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